Can anyone help me with how to make a killable monster?

I’m going to try to make a zombie game, and I need to figure out how to make a killable enemy (e.g, like ^TheWalkingBean) that I can spawn multiple of for zombie “waves” I am looking to use custom weapons w/ projective launchers and gun handles.

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In Rooms V2, Replicator will help you spawn in your enemy

If you want custom AI, Pathfinder can be this, but walking bean just uses physical objects

New “Object Properties” allow you to store any type of property on an object, you could use a synced (or local, up to you) Int or Float variable to store health on each object

The Projectile Hit Object event can be received in the circuitboard of any object OR in the circuitboard of the Projectile Launcher which fired the bullet, allowing you to say:

On Projectile Hit Object > If Object has property “Health” > Set “Health” to (“Health” - Damage)

Thanks for the help, but I’d need exact steps on how to do it (mainly w/ videos)

I’ll add this to my knowledge for later on!