Bring Back OG Rec Room!

Hello, I’m sure I’m not the only one but we need OG Rec Room Back. What do I mean by that? I mean 2022 OG, That’s what kept people playing, Because it was so Simple, I hope you guys Agree so Please Lemme know what you guys think.


I 100% agree, but you need to realize recroom is going for more of a children base now more then ever, and children engage more with bright flashy UI and stuff along those lines. I wish they would allow us more customizable watch menu’s like back then though.


The game will develop and there is no reason why we should be holding onto old features in the game, they were removed for reasons in rec room, this isn’t fortnight, there’s not gonna be a remake of the old stuff but there is new UI coming as the devs have said. If you look back to older Rec Room, there wasn’t that much in the game for creators. The game adapted to what it is now because it needed to.

Yes your right, this is not Fortnite, But yet we need to face Rec Room Is dying, But when Fortnite brought back OG, Fortnite players were coming all back, which is why I think bringing back OG will raise the player spike, I want OG & Most of the Community wants OG, & That is one of the reasons why Rec Room Is dying, Because we did not ask for “New changes”. We should have kept it the way it was.

I Want 2016 More Because It Looks Cool And It Has a Bigger Rec Center ^2016redone

I don’t know what 2016 looked like, but of all the years i have been on Rec Room, The best was 2021-2022 Rec Room

Try out 2016redone a room i made with my friends

K I will give it a try

Having more of a children base is totally making the game and people to make games “lazier”. What I mean by this is if you take a look at peoples creations today, those games are literally just Roblox games, nothing original… just mostly low quality copied ideas. The fact that rec room is supposed to be designed as a college campus, you’d think it would be more of a simpler mature kind of game. I would at least like a better verification system to verify your age and matchmaking system because I am kind of tired of running into little kids everywhere. I’m not saying RecRoom should only focus on a mature audience, but the mature audience admittedly got the game to its popularity today, they can at least focus on us a little more.


I don’t think it’s just people being lazy, it’s just higher end rooms aren’t doing as well. And take longer to make for little to no plays or visits. I get they feel less effort but they just do better then the most detailed oriented games.

you could probably imagine what that would happen if the game decided to never update for decades.

Promoters are 100% there to blame.

the fact that these guys have SOLID connections to groups that crash innocent users in sandboxes just for clout…

Not all “promoters” are like that, I get that there is a lot of people who do that stuff. But the overall people who actively promote and don’t just go around saying they are promoters, they actually help your room.