A Few Facts About RR To Help You Make Games!

#1: You can have a max of 50 lights in one R1 subroom, and infinite in one R2 subroom.

#2: Circuits take almost NO INK, but they do have their own limit of 5000 (or under idk the actual max thats just what i remember).

#3: Almost every circuit has a description, other than some of them but idk why they don’t.

#4: Object boards for, projectile launchers, and guns of any type have the “on {target} hit” which can be used in many ways, when i first learned this i saw so much potential, but then never used it, but it’s there if you need it!

#5: the gun handle uses the “gun fired” event to change it’s ammo, every time the gun is shot it will set the max ammo to one less then the current ammo using this settup:

6: CV1 pistons don’t reverse when unpowered, instead you can do this by using a state machine and two states one set to any speed, and the other set to the negative value for that speed, and set the activation to the arrow pointing at the positive signal and the de-activation set to the arrow pointing at the negative value state

Pics for those of you who are confused by this:

If I find, or remember more facts i will edit this post and put them here.


Circuits can take very small margins (in the hundredths of ink (0.01)) of ink in certain occasions.

However, this is pretty rare.

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CV1 takes ink when you spawn them in. However chips alone do not take up any ink. Components do take up some ink if that is what you are referring to. However I’m pretty confident CV2 circuits take 0% ink in the room.


I think circuits are assigned some kind of ink value that is ignored in the room’s ink percentage. When reaching 100% ink, the game stops you from spawning in circuits as well (at least this once was the case, not sure if this behavior still exists)


Oh i thought it was just zero

Oh yeah that happened to me once

Ink has shown hundreths as a value for me before, so it might be thousandths rather than hundreths

(Idk if i spelled any of that right, i am not good at spelling)

CV1 chips and components are all considered components therefore they take ink but don’t count toward the chip limit.