This is mainly for Cv2, but as I’m writing this it would be nice to search for objects in the hierarchy, but that’s beside the point because I’m talking about Cv2.
Can we have the ability to search for a Cv2 chip and have it be highlighted? Essentially, it’s just the search that’s used in Unity’s hierarchy. It could do the same thing as when you click on a circuit that’s erroring in logging by highlighting it or teleporting you to it, and even gray out as if you were editing a object maybe?
- Help find lost chips
- Find Cv2 that is erroring or not working as expected
- Cut down how much Cv2 is on your screen, and make it easier to do CV2
- Mass delete certain Cv2 chips
- Mass select Cv2 chips
- Mass edit a chip without selecting by hand
- Select all chips
- Im running out of uses…