The featured rooms program has existed for quite some time and many creators have submitted their rooms before however received no response.
This lack of communication is insanely annoying for creators who don’t know the reasoning behind the room’s denial.
This is why I suggest a makeover to Featured Rooms Submission system. Rather than using a Google Form Rec Room could create a RecNet Page in the Creator Hub that contains all of your rooms and a “Submit to be Featured” button.
After submitting a room it would then have it’s status displayed next to it.
This what a room under review could look like
This what a room that’s has been approved could look like
And this what a denied room could look like
This system would help creators understand why their rooms have been denied and what they need to do to be eligible!
The current method of Featuring Rooms just lacks communication and leaves you wondering what you did wrong.
This method would fix many problems with the current system and it also open more possibilities to the Featured Rooms program.