Pistons can unsync

What device/platform are you having the problem on?


Were you alone or with other players?

With other Players

How often does the issue occur?

Randomly when a lot of players are in the room. It may happen when Room Authority changes.

Room Name

^GamerrsEventHub, but I’m sure it can happen in any room


Sometimes, when a lot of players are in the same instance of a room, the pistons can unsync. A platform (connected to a piston) could be in one position on my screen and a different position on another person’s screen. Remember: unsynced pistons don’t currently exist as a feature! I believe this can happen when the Room Authority changes. Pistons can also stop working entirely. I’ve done some testing with this bug, and here’s what I found: Let’s say there was a platform connected to a piston that can move up and down. That platform could be in the down position for me and in the up position for another person. If I were to jump on that platform, I would disappear on the other person’s screen and sort of teleport up to where the platform is on their screen. I would be able to hear the other player, as I would be right next to them on my screen, but they would not be able to hear me, as I would be way up high on their screen. Hopefully this makes just a little bit of sense!

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…pistons can unsync…???


It happens alot and they reset sometimes to

They shouldnt be able to. It’s a bug and you can’t control when it happens (at least to my knowledge)

Definitely will have to look into that.

Still a bug :neutral_face:

It sounds like your workflow requires a platform/tile system, in the meantime while pistons remain unreliable (I’m assuming for a while now) you can do this manually with circuits and set the positions of these platforms.

I made a falling tiles as an example for someone before, you may find it useful here!

Hi NG,

Is there a way to avoid the error that you get when setting the positions of many Rec Room Objects at once? I’ve tried moving the platforms using a system like this before, and the system I made didn’t work because I kept getting that error. (It’s a lot of platforms). The game is in R1

It seems I can set the position of up to 832 objects at 30hz simultaneously.

I think this may be an issue with your object authority and managing with circuits who is setting the positions of those objects. Additionally extra heat will be used when more logic and calculations are involved to set a specific rotation or position.

How many platforms are you trying to set, and are you in a room with more than 1 person?

Interesting. I’ll get back to you in a few hours and tell you what the exact problem was and if it’s still an issue for me

Took a little bit longer than a few hours. Anyway, I realized I got two different chips mixed up. The Rec Room Object Reset chip errors out (“Error: You are sending too many RPCs at once!”) when you try to reset too many objects at once, not the set position chip. Thanks for the advice!

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