Outline On Objects

It would be nice if we could have some sort of outline system in the game so we could make cartoony games like they have on other platforms, maybe a setting in the configure menu when configuring an object(s) to apply an outline, it’s size and what colour you want it to be

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You do realize that you can do this with shapes & RR Studio

I hope this is added. Wanna see some of my ideas for Rec room?

He meant with the makerpen in general.

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I would say this probably shouldn’t be a thing, what I’d probably be asking for is shader customization

Games that look cartoon-y rarely use backface culling / object outlines to add outlines to objects, they use a custom shader techniques. The most common example of this is Cel-Shading

The ability to create custom shaders not only would allow you to add this cartoony-vibe to objects, it would also let players do almost anything else with them, anything that RecRoom can support

The con to this however, is that yes, this would have to be RecRoomStudio only, if what you care about is just a simple outline to objects, then what you might want to ask for is the option to choose if shapes render the back-face or front-face. This would allow you to create super simple object outlines that wouldn’t look as good as shader techniques, but would be possible to do with makerpen as long as RecRoom gave us the option