Object Properties Of Type "Rec Room Object" Prevent Saving The Room

What device/platform are you having the problem on?


Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?


Room Name

Any R2 room, ^A-Nameless_MakerRoom2_3463

Subroom Name


Reproduction Steps

  1. spawn any object
  2. add an object board if it doesn’t already have one
  3. add an object property of type “Rec Room Object”
  4. save the room
  5. observe that while the screen did fade out no save was created


when any object in the room has an object property of type Rec Room Object saving the room will fail quietly and autosaves also stop working.
video: https://youtu.be/EUaaKuooAhA

edit: trying to invention an object with an object property of type “Rec Room Object” also fails

We have a fix for this, and it will be out soon.

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