New prefabs uploaded into RoomsV2 after latest update are non-interactable

How often does the issue occur?

100% of the time

Room Name


Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a Rooms V2 room
  2. Open the room with the latest version of Rec Room Studio
  3. Create a new Studio Object from anything at all
  4. Place your studio object prefab into the world
  5. Upload OR Test

When you open the room, the studio object you just imported will have no makerpen interactions at all, it cannot be transformed, cloned, or configured by makerpen nor can it be interacted with in the hierarchy


In ^MurderV4 currently, we cannot import any new studio objects as, ever since the latest Rec/RRS update, new prefabs uploaded into the room are non-interactable by makerpen and in the hierarchy. This happens regardless of the room or subroom, I have tried:

  • Creating a new prefab
  • Creating a new subroom
  • Creating a new room
  • Creating a new project
  • Repairing RRS
  • Reinstalling RRS

Any prefabs that were uploaded before the latest Rec/RRS update can be configured, transformed, cloned, interacted with, etc, but anything upload AFTER cannot be. In the first attached image are 3 studio objects, the Couch prop and Counter Doors prop uploaded before the latest update, and the Cube prefab which I made as after discovering this as a test. This object cannot be interacted with by makerpen or hierarchy

In the second attached image is me hovering over the prefab with the Select tool, visible from the UI tool tips. Despite hovering directly over the collider of the cube, there is no way for me to interact with it

Attachments (Optional, please use alternative means like Google Drive for Videos)


To anyone else who has studio, please try this either in a new room or existing room you have and post your results. I still believe this is a studio or RR level bug, but it doesn’t hurt to see what happens with others


Don’t you have to set it as a maker pen object to be able to interact with it in rec room?

The script is Studio Object (Rec Room Studio), so I have been refering to them as “Studio Objects”

I refer to them as:

  • Unity Object (Uploaded with studio, no Studio Object (Rec Room Studio) script, so no interactability is defined
  • Studio Object (Uploaded with studio, the Studio Object (Rec Room Studio) script is on the prefab, so it should be interactable with makerpen
  • Makerpen Object/Rec Room Object, something that can be spawned in with the makerpen

Note that, if the objects didn’t have the Studio Object (Rec Room Studio) script, they wouldn’t appear in the hierarchy menu OR have a circuitboard

I just made a new room and I am having the same problem :smiling_face_with_tear:


Can confirm. Reproduced using the steps in the original post. To add to this, anything you add through studio will lose maker pen interactability.


Can confirm, remade the entirety of ^MuderV4 and spawned in an RRS object, couldn’t interact with it, so yeah, this does happen in ^MuderV4 100% of the time.

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Good to know my repro is correct, and that it’s not room/player specific

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this is a certified “valve please fix” moment


I’m having the same issue in my R2 room. I can’t select any prefab with the maker pen despite even using box collisions.

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Having the same problem here. What errors do you see in your console?


An error I’ve actually never seen before, something about deleting objects with null/NaN transforms, anywhere between 60-600 objects. I’ll grab a screenshot next time I open RRS

[ObjectModel.Serialization. RemoveEntitiesWithNaNsIn TransformsSystem] This yes?
Think this means theres an error with some math(such as a division by zero or a corrupted data input) when adding the studio script which messes up rendering or physics. In this case the “TransformSystem” is removing itself to avoid problems with invalid data. Decently big bug to have and on the weekend of all days :confused:

Thats the error I’m getting, yep, and I haven’t been seeing this until this bug has been occuring

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I wonder if its R2 specific. It’s definitely a bug with the most recent update since i was 2 versions behind doing fine and then boom broken after updating.

I am also having this problem with my R2 Room. Prefabs uploaded last week work fine. Any prefabs I uploaded as of yesterday can’t be interacted with in game. Hopefully they create a fix for it soon :crossed_fingers: :sweat_smile:

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As I understand it, this is a problem with the Recstudio update? Or did I miss something somewhere?

Yes, its a bug with the latest version of Rec/RecRoomStudio

We’re not sure if its one, the other, or both, as both are usually updated at the same time

Having the same issue here. With the same RemoveEntitiesWithNansInTransformsSystem error.

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Thank you for the reports on this! This is a high priority issue for us. The good news is that we identified the problem and have a fix coming shortly. However, it is doubtful that the fix will make it in our release tonight. But we will be releasing a hotfix for this as soon as possible. We will not be waiting until next weeks release to address this.