"Negative Moderation" RRS access clarification

hello! this is my first time writing in this branch of rec room.
today i need some clarification on what the studio access page back in recnet means by “negative moderation in 90 days” does it mean to not get vote kicked for 90 days? or don’t get microphone banned within the aforementioned time frame? i am thinking this is why i am not getting rec room studio sooner.

I’m pretty sure this means that if you want to download RRS, you can’t have been banned, votekicked, or received any other negative action in the past 90 days. If you haven’t had negative action taken against your account, but you are still having trouble downloading RRS, you might need extra instructions :thinking:

“No recent negative moderation actions in the past 90 days” means you can’t of been banned from RecRoom in the last 90 days. Votekicks do not count towards this, and I am not sure about auto-voice moderation, but I would assume not