Need some help with circuits for a new game:

I am trying to make a script system from VRChat game called Audience Anarchy and I want to figure out how to do that.

A quick idea I had in mind is the actors put on costumes or click buttons that give them a role, a player with role 1 for example reads their line, clicks continue, and it looks for a player with role 2, shows their line, etc.

Could also use some help with having multiple people being selected for a queue system as well.

As in Audience Anarchy, no actor can leave the game as it would end the stage, I would designate a “Director” player, also similar to Audience Anarchy

When the director starts the game, have them send an event to each player, call this event something like Stage RequestPlayerRoles. When this event is received, have the local player trigger a Player Prompt Multiple Choice chip where they can choose to be the Audience or an Actor. Send the result back to the Director Player using another event, something like Stage RequestedPlayerRole

When the Director receives the event Stage RequestedPlayerRole, add the player to a List<Player> Variable if the player chose to be an actor. Now the director has a list of all actors, after all players have responded OR after a timer, the Director can now pick a script based off the amount of actors. I would advise using a data table to keep record of what scripts you have and how many players they require, this way you can use Data Table Get All Rows Containing to get what scripts work with the amount of actors you have

You can choose if you want to players vote on which is chosen or if the director just picks one, this step is really hard to explain so I’m skipping that

After a script is picked, have the Director tell all actors what script is being played and who is in it (the List<Player> Variable) via an event sent to all players, something like Stage StartScript

I would advise using a data table for each script, you could have 2 columns, Line (string), and Actor (int, acting as an index for the actor whos supposed to talk), after each line is said, have the Director Player proceed to the next line index. The stage ends when all lines have been said OR an actor leaves OR the director leaves. Actors would know what line is being said AND who is going by being told the current line index and reading from the data table using Data Table Read Cell