Help me make an interaction volume, That when you click it, it gives you a key that you can buy
what dose the key need to do?
Basically I’m making a perm fly key, and I want it to be shown by using an interaction volume
if you want you can add me on discord and i can show you tmr im off for tonight tho
Oh ok
ill be willing to help tmr sorry that im not on tonight
Go to this room>Offers and create one (you don’t have to add any inventory items). Connect on volume use exec port to ‘show purchase prompt’, place ‘room offer constant’ and configure it to your offer and connect it to offer in ‘show purchase prompt’ . Place ‘event receiver’ and configure it to offer purchased, place ‘execution string switch’, configure it and type your offer name, place ‘to string’ and connect it between the room offer of the event receiver and switch, place ‘player set can fly’ and connect it to the exec port of the switch that has your offer name. To make fly permanent, place ‘bool variable’, set it to true and wire it to ‘player set can fly’. Place ‘event receiver’ and configure it to player joined, place if ‘player is local’ and wire both ports to event receiver place ‘if’ and wire condition to the ‘bool variable’ and then port to ‘player set can fly’
I’ll do it. I’ve been doing circuits for 3 years