Make it so a role is permanently applied to room owners and co-owners

How do I make it so a role is permanently aplied to room owners and co owners

Also, for some reason whenever I save I lose my role, which is fine for me but won’t be for anyone who isnt

Also also, how do I show my role on my screen

Just do a chip that Adds a Role to a specific person and spawn an event receiver update 30hz and wire it

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I didn’t understand any of that

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How do I make that specific person be the owner and co owners

Update 30hz is a bad idea. Use “Player Joined”

That makes more sense??

They have a “Player Get Is Owner” chip. I don’t know is that your question

Does that chip also apply to co owners

Yeah. Co owner chip doesn’t exist.

Ok thanks

Yeah no problem

Spawn an Event Receiver with Update 30hz, then spawn a Player Add Role and wire it

Go to This Room>Settings>Permissions>Owner/Co-Owner>Misc>Auto Assigned Game Roles. This is a recently added feature

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Okay, here’s my take on it.


Adding a 30hz would be a bad idea as it would be adding that role 30 times a second, but you could wire a button into a “player add role” chip if you’re wanting to manually add the role everytime you rejoin the room.

Otherwise, auto assign the role under permission settings as shown above👆if you’re trying to add a role to someone that bought a key (such as fly) you’d have to use a event receiver player joined, a “player owns room key”, and a “room key constant”. It’s important to use an “if player is local” chip after the event receiver also.

This probably isn’t the best course of action, using a 30hz for this is a waste of resources.

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or do that instead @Kingknumber1

This could have been done with so much less stuff if the (owner chip) connector was different (exec)