I keep getting sent to my dormroom without any reason!

So, for some reason, when I’m playing games in Rec Room, there are these times where randomly, everybody becomes silent. After about 30 seconds of everyone being silent, I get sent to my dorm without any reason. When I play with friends and do tests with alts, I’m the only person who gets this glitch… I was recently playing with a friend in I’m pretty sure ^PrisonLife and I gotten sent to my dorm 4 times in a row, and kept rejoining my friend, who wasnt experiencing it at all… Today i was playing showdown and was absolutely doninating the other team. On the last 2 SECONDS OF THE GAME, I GET SENT TO MY DORM WITHOUT A REASON. This is becoming a really big problem for me and i cant even play any RROs without being able to finish any rounds n stuff. There are times where I notice that everyone is silent (I know they are talking due to their mouths moving) and so I just swap servers because I know ima get sent to my dorm for the 28th time without any reason anyways.

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That happens to me too, I’m not sure how to stop it.

I found how why this happens, its due to hackers in the same server kicking you out. So if your in a PC lobby, you should expect this to happen sometimes.

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But when i’m in my own private games it happens…