Dorm Room Crashes (RV1)

What device/platform are you having the problem on?

Meta Quest 2

Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?

Its inconsistent. It seems to happen after maybe 30 mins or so

Room Name


Subroom Name



Its a strange crash which seems to have some things that are consistent and inconsistent at the same time.

The game first has a large lagspike, then you sometimes get softlocked where you can look around but not use the makerpen, or the watch to save or go to your dorm, then you get sent to your dorm but it doesnt say the name of the room when loading or when you actually get to the dorm. It just says ‘private’.

Its super frustrating to get dormed since you lose your progress and you cant save before you go. Its very inconsistent if it does happen since it isnt guaranteed to happen, it just does. This means im having to save every 30 mins which is more of an inconvenience than you think. I also have my autosave on 5 mins but it almost never ever actually works when i try and reload the save. I brought this up in the latest Q&A so i hope rr staff can figure out whats happening here. Pls lmk if you also have experienced this too.