How to use Outfit Tag Chips

What is an Outfit Tag item?

An “outfit tag” item is an avatar item that has a certain tag that would allow you to set up changes in the room when a player wears this item. Not all avatar items will have qualifying tags, but for the ones that do, you can retrieve their tags using the following two new chips.

There are two components to the Outfit Tag chips:

  • Player Outfit Slot Flag Constant: This is the chip which allows you to select which avatar outfit slot to check.
  • Player Get Equipped Avatar Item Tags: Reads the tag based on the outfit slot flag chosen.

You can use these chips to help determine if a player is wearing an item with a special tag you’re looking for and set up actions.

How do I use this in my room?

Let’s create a simple example using these chips that detects if a player that walks through a door is wearing a musical instrument over their shoulder.

Setting up the Outfit Slot Flag

Let’s set up a chip to check the “shoulder” outfit slot for an item.

  1. Spawn the Player Outfit Slot Flag chip from your Maker Pen Palette and open the Config menu.

  1. Select the outfit slot to check for tags. In our case, we will select the Shoulder slot.

Setting up Player Get Equipped Avatar Item Tags:

Now we will set up the chip to read the shoulder slot to see if the player is wearing an avatar item that is a tagged item from our list.

  1. Spawn the Player Get Equipped Avatar Item Tags chip from your Maker Pen Palette.

  1. Connect the Player Outfit Slot Flag chip’s output port, to the new chip’s Outfit Slot Flag input port. This will then make a Tag List output port.

  1. Now that we have a Tag List output port, we can check its contents for the proper tag. For our example, we are going to look for the “music” tag. To get a result of true or false if the tag exists in the list, add a List Contains chip.

  1. Connect the Tag List output port to the Target input port. Then, configure the Item input port to the tag we are checking for; “music.”

Now this chip will check to see if the outfit item in the “Shoulder” slot is an item that has the “music” tag. We can then set up a reactive area using the true or false result.

Setting Up the Reactive Area

Now that we have the system set up to see if the item a player is wearing is a musical item from our tag list, we need to set up an area that will trigger a reactive element when a player walks through it.

  1. Create a door with a Trigger Volume that requires the player to walk through it.

  1. Connect the Trigger Volume chip’s Player output port to the Player Get Equipped Avatar Item Tags chip’s Player input port.

  1. Now let’s make it do something cool if it sees a player wearing a music item. Add an If chip. Connect the Trigger Volume chip’s Player Entered output port to the If chip’s input port. And then connect the List Contain chip’s Result output port to the If chip’s Condition input port.

  1. From here, we can hook up our Then Exec Out to whatever cool thing we want to happen. Let’s add a Player Show Subtitle chip to send the player a message if we see that they’re wearing a tagged instrument. Connect the If chip’s Then Exec output port to the Player Show Subtitle chip’s input port.

  1. Connect the Trigger Volume chip’s Player exec port to the Player Show Subtitle chip’s Player input port. Add a subtitle and duration, aaand voila!

Now anyone who walks through this door wearing a qualifying tagged instrument will be greeted by a nice compliment :slightly_smiling_face:


What can I use this for?

We’ve curated a few tags that we think creators will enjoy. Play some music for a player who is holding an instrument. Shower some snow on a player dressed for the holidays. Allow an S. hacker access to a secret passageway. We want to see what you can create!

Our Current Tags List

At the moment we only have a handful of tags applied to RRO items listed below.

We’re open to adding more tags in the future, so please, let us know in the thread below how you enjoy this feature and what tags you might need or use in your rooms!

Tags Eligible Items
reccon All Rec Con Hoodies
All Rec Con Lanyards
All Rec Con Belt Bags
Rec Con Shirt (TFO)
Rec Con High Tops
Rec Con Tuxedo
Rec Con Tuxedo Dress
Rec Con Sweatpants
invasion All Invasion Items
s All S. Items
elseware All Elseware Items
Cosmic Cultist Book
Tome of Cosmic Eldritch: Volume I
celestial Magician of the Stars
Leggings of the Stars
Shoes of the Stars
Magician of the Eclipsed
Leggings of the Eclipsed
Shoes of the Eclipsed
Veil of the Ethereal
Virtuoso Belt of the Magician
Astral Spectacles
music All Acoustic Guitars
All Electric Guitars
All Keytars
All Banjos
All Bongo Belts
All Drumset Backpacks
All Harmonica Necklaces
90’s Boombox on Back
Portable Turntable
halloween All Frankenstein Set Pieces
All Mummy Set Pieces
All Skeleton Hoodies
All Skeleton Masks
All Skeleton Gloves
All Zombie Set Pieces
All Werewolf Set Pieces
All Pumpkin Caps
All Pumpkin Costumes
All Pumpkin Gloves
All Demon Jackets
All Demon Wings
All Demon Horns
Bat Bowtie
Bat Hair Bow
Pumpkin Pattern Sweater
All Bat Costume Ears
All Bat Costume Shirt
All Bat Costume Wings
All Zombie Scout Set Pieces
All Pumpkin Beanies
Pumpkin Earrings
Jack-O’-Lantern Earrings
All Back Scythes (minus Candy Cane)
All Zombie Plush Bunny Backpacks
All Cleaver Hats
All Bewitched Set Pieces
Skeleton Cat Hat
Bride of Frank Hair
All Zombie Eggshell Chick Set Pieces
All Carnival Horror Set Pieces
thanksgiving All Turkey Hats
All Turkey Sweaters
Turkey Backpack
holidays All Candy Cane Items
All Holiday Elf Set Pieces
All Jolly Hats
All Elf Shirts
All Krampus Set Pieces
All Festive Antlers
Light-Up Necklace