Get Player Is Wearing Item chip. This would be great for RPGs and other games. And for when RRAS comes out. For example, you can edit it so that if a player joins your RPG and the player is wearing some Fire Dragon Wings that you created with RRAS, then they will gain the ability to fly in-game, but ONLY if they are wearing the wings. Or you could be less specific and make it so anyone who is wearing an item with “Wings” in its name will be able to fly.
So Basically, Allow UGC Item Creators to tag their Avatar Items and then people can use the chip “Player Get Equipped Avatar Item Tags” to see if what they’re wearing is Valid to give a perk etc in your game.
Don’t think it works with UGC items currently, but I’m sure we’ll see something like that in the future. Especially with the upcoming release of Avatar Studio.
I think the concept of this chip is really cool. Tho i can only really imagine people abusing the living hell out of this by using custom shirts and ugc to make their rooms pay to win, or worse pay to play. Which. Depending on the severity, is against the COC.
Putting this lil rant aside though. This chip could make for some really cool game mechanics such as a PVP in which 2 teams are split up depending on their outfits.
I get where you’re coming from, the Rec Room community will find a way to abuse anything if given the opportunity. Though I don’t think it opens anything up that you couldn’t already do with Keys. At least in regards to being “pay to play” or “pay to win.”