How do I make stuff appear on my screen

When it finishes getting the balence of that player it fires

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Yeah I guess that makes sense

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Here’s a simple circuit graph a whipped up.

This will get your currency balance and display it on your screen.
Make sure to configure your currency constant to the correct currency, and configure your “Room Level Hud” chip like this:

Hope this helps!

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I think i got the settings wrong, are you sure those are right?

Wait, no, got it sorted

Yeah no somethings wrong, it says my balance is 0 despite it being 100

Can you show me a picture of your circuits?

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Is you’re room currency configured to a currency?

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Should be, what do you mean

Are all you’re chips executing?

Uhhhh ?

What does that mean

Does it look like all the chips in the row are lighting up orange on their “exce” port?

Also about the currency constant, have you already created a currency? And have you set that constant chip to that currency?

Yeah the exec chips are verryyyy bright and the currency is all set up

I’ve requested an invite from you if you’re still in your room.

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Doesn’t appear my chats are going through in RecRoom for some odd reason. Can you enable makerpen inside the “everyone” role chip?

You will need to enable the “beta” features in your room for that to work.

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I added you as mod, it should give maker pen permission’s

To clarify for anyone else reading for instructions later on, the player value must not be invalid for it to check your currency balance.

Hope that fix helps in-game @Kingknumber1 sorry for that delay.

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Yeah it works all good now