How do I make an explosion emmiter go off 5 seconds after the player drops it

How can I make my explosion emmiter that is clamped to a sphere explode 5 seconds after being thrown

You can do this by using a delay chip

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Yeah I got that already, the problem is getting it to detect when it is thrown

Try this

Add a Timer:

  • Place a delay chip in your circuit.
  • Set the delay time to 5 seconds.

Detect Throw:

  • Use a trigger volume or a velocity check to detect when the sphere is thrown.
  • You can use the “Get Velocity” chip to check the sphere’s velocity.

Here’s a quick circuit graph I whipped up for Rooms 1.0

This will work for objects that you have tagged, just set whatever tag your object has, as the tag inside the “Object Get First with Tag” chip.

This detects if the object is thrown by constantly checking if the object is still held or not. Hope this helps!


you can also use trigger volumes on the surface you want it to land on or if you want it to be 5 seconds after being THROWN, not landing, then you can use a throw handle but you have to turn on beta in R1 to do so. I would know, ive made a ton of grenades.


Yeah I just want it to be a 5 seconds after thrown thing