Is it possible for holotars to hold things? I see holotars (or what i assume to be) holding stuff but it doesnt seem like I can have them hold things. Is it possible? And if not I think it should be a feature
I don’t think it is possible for it to really work like that, but i want this as a feature asap
Nope! Unless you make an animation and move the item where the holotars hand is
This will be an amazing feature
Animation gizmos (V1) and animators (V2) have a max frame limit of 100, it would be really tedious to do so and it will not look good.
Here’s a suggestion, but it may be a stretch for your purposes.
I’ve seen some circuitiers do this before, but the idea of animating an object in your hand isn’t to far fetched if done completely using circuits.
Here’s a very rudimentary explanation of how this can be done.
Using string variables lists, you can save the position and rotation of the object every 0.1 seconds, or lower for more accuracy. Then you can play back these saved positions over time to match the animation of the holotar. You can use lerps and slerps to interpolate rotations and positions so positions don’t “snap” to their next position.
Hope that helps, but this as a feature would be much easier!
I’ve wanted this for a while. For now what @NGCreate said is the best way to do it.
This is how my freind got around the animation gizmo being broken for the 3rd time