Get Children Chip

Simple request, I’d love to have a chip to get children of a parent object. It would need to return a consistent list to be usable, and it would make so many things possible.


I don’t even know how the child/parent system for shapes even works but it sounds like a good idea

Could you not just add a tag to all the pieces of an object and then merge them with a piston or clamp?

Your idea would make the whole process a lot easier but I believe its possible to make whatever it is you were planning with this feature in game atm.

A get children chip would have to make every makerpen object targetable. (Not sure if this is possible with Rooms 2.0 but you can still tag them.)

At the moment, you can get around this by creating object boards of the shapes you want to target then connecting them to the out bus of the container. Allowing you to still use them in the highest scope of the room.

@DORM I believe the use for this kind of chip would allow you to target objects you may not know you’ll be using, it might allow for transforming the position and rotations of single or many individual shapes while keeping the majority of the circuits in the highest scope of the room. Also this is about rooms 2.0 right? uhh i donut think we got clamps :doughnut:

I think another useful chip alongside this would be a “get parent” chip.
Anyways, interesting feature! :bacon:

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