Donate/Gift/Sell Your Unwanted Backpack Items

Should be a “Recroom Game Feature” Category for this.

The ability to Gift your unwanted food items or KO items to your friends!. Or sell them in a storefront!.

Also like the Gift button ability to put your own food items inside instead of buying more.


This definitely would be useful :+1:t2:

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Oh yeah! I would really love to sell those items as I don’t have much use for them; I can’t even taste the coffee… :cry:


Yes, being able to sell your stuff, but NOT for more tokens as it was, unless it’s rare, but I have countless useless items…
Or another thing is instead of players buying (Which is a chance) You can instantly sell your items for a little less then they were (Stuff like survey bubbly’s that are free would just be a normal bubbly cost) But I like this idea.


Yeah! Sounds cool, Just a way to give them away or sell for some sort of tokens.

Like trading in old times.

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Almost! Who wouldn’t want to sell root beers for 20 tokens less? While earning! That would be awesome.

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I’m a lot more onboard with selling your items through a storefront. This could make for a very interesting economy system. Gives me an idea for a post… :thinking:


Yeah! This would be an awesome feature hopefully it’ll get some attention


I don’t need lots of food like plain donuts and presels


That’s a Great Idea, Gifting Unwanted Items a cool Feature If It was added, & Putting existing items into a Gift Button Instead of Buying Is Great too. :+1:


that would be AMAZING. the only problem is they added that the selling feature would probably require rr+

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I hope this gives us BIG tokens, like twice the price of the item.

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nah that would be if you own rr+ prob

I meant for all players, I don’t want anyone having to get RR+ to get that amount.

Yeah i agree but if they didmt do that rec room would prob go bankrupped

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I agree. :smiley: