Add trading for item

trading avatar item\tokens you could trade stuff you have for what other poeple have


I would love to see this but there are lots of kids who won’t understand scams, I guess it could be avoided by making junior accounts unable to trade but they don’t always use junior accounts.


fair that is true


Level requirement and a RecRoom plus subscription requirement could definitely mitigate that, oh maybe even limit what items can be traded if they are limited time, and won from a contest. :thinking:


Yes that would be good. Also they could add the ability to give tokens to friends aswell

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The tokens to friends will be very useful because my friend don’t need her tokens


okay idea, and here is my reasoning:

Kids getting mad because a random person just walks up to them, trades with them, shows them a whole bunch of cool stuff they will REALLY want, and then decline randomly

Beggers will beg for trades AND gifts rather than just gifts which will get really annoying, and sometimes they be balling in tokens and acting poor

This may introduce hacks that allow people to just straight up steal everything from someone

My reasons for it being okay and not bad is because you won’t need tokens to give people stuff, just a lot of stuff they don’t own yet.

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They do this because Junior accounts restrict everything, so honestly i wouldn’t blame them. Plus adding things just to restrict then from children is not a good idea, it will just make more false adult acounts

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How about trading one star items for one star and 2 star items for 2 star items and the same for the other stars


Maybe they could add more conditions like needing to have an email attached and then having the person receive an email to confirm that they are not a child and if they’re child is using a normal account then get them to use a junior account

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Or just use the emails age

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