Copyable Rec Room Games

2025-01-28T00:00:00Z Update!

Our newest copy-able room is called ^Feeding-Frenzy. Check it out to play and copy!

We’re always looking for ways to make creating in Rec Room easier and faster for our community.

Many creators have shared their interest in seeing how our rooms are built and having the opportunity to customize them.

Over the past several months, we’ve been publishing copyable rooms– small projects designed to give creators a hands-on look at the different game mechanics. These rooms serve as a foundation for creators to remix, learn, or improve these rooms.

What can I do with a copyable room?

A copyable room means you can duplicate an entire room and customize it like any other room you own. Using the Maker Pen, you can add your own props, decorate on top of the existing environment, or edit the circuits to change gameplay mechanics.

Rooms created with Rec Room Studio will typically include objects (typically 3d models or environments) that can only be manipulated or edited with Rec Room Studio. Using Rec Room Studio lets you import custom assets and make finer adjustments to maps than you could using the maker pen.

How to Copy a Room
  1. Find the room you wish to clone

  1. Click on the copy symbol on the top right corner

Recent Copyable Rooms

As we add more copyable rooms, we’ll be updating the list here!

Feeding-Frenzy - In this copyable room we explored custom vehicle locomotion in the form of whales. Check it out to see how we replicate and made an action racing game!
^RunTheBlock - Our first copyable RRO! Remix this parkour game mechanics into whatever you want in the RecCity landscape. Or use the new maker pen template ^PlatformerTemplate
^BonkysInferno - In this Make it to Midnight spinoff, you can use a custom hammer to launch players into the air in a PVP game. You can also use the maker pen template ^MakeItToMidnightRRSTemplate
^EvergrownPVP - In this My Little Monsters spinoff we build a “KO Streak” system! You can build on the environment with Rec Room Studio or use the maker pen template ^FreeForAllPVPTemplate

I can’t buy stuff with my cared

I think that Copyable rooms should be optimized as much as possible, as from what ive seen most of the circuits are absurd, and many new circuiteers could pick up bad habits thinking “If RR did it, it must be the best way!”

These copyable rooms are meant to make creating easier and faster, so that may not always mean we’re aiming to make the most optimized system possible in each of the templates.

I like your thinking though-- if you have some suggestions for these templates that might make things more readable, fast and easy while also being optimized, that’s the sweet spot and let me know so I can pass it on to the team!

Hey, why can’t you just slap the assets in RRStudio RROs in the props tab of the Maker Pen? I don’t have RRStudio, but that’ll help a bunch for people without it. I don’t know why you stopped adding more Maker Pen props.