I want to have the “Clear Banner Notificator” becauce If you spam a Show Banner Notificator, how are you going to stop the spam? Exactly we can’t clear the Banner Notification. Vote this if you want to get chip added
I have a system for devs that lets them change things about the game like leting people slide up slopes or other fun dev stuff but it uses banner notifications to tell people that the setting has been enabled i dont want to make some people spam it in a server
This would be great
Have you tried using the show subtitle chip instead? It won’t fix the issue where people might spam it, but it’s a lot smaller on the screen than banners or notifications
I don’t want to use the show subtitle chip. Also, they have a “Player Clear Current Subtitle” chip for that. But I just want the “Clear Show Banner Notification”
Alright, I voted for it.
The reason im using the banner is because it looks better and i have a different use for the subtitles
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