Sometimes, when I try to delete my posts or edit my replies (which I love doing ), it won’t let me. Like @Kingknumber1 mentioned in this post here, “Please can you let me delete my posts? I don’t want to waste the time of the mods with having to delete like 17 posts.” So, if you want to delete posts in certain categories, you will have to flag your own posts.
While keeping old posts up might be helpful for others looking for solutions (Like @NGCreate said), it would still be nice to have the option to delete posts and edit replies when needed.
Not exactly sure what you mean by deleting your own posts when you’re able to, it’s just that the post goes into a hidden state in which you could still see it or that it’s hidden, but to others excluding the ones that moderate the forum, they won’t be able to.
Editing would be up to the settings in the Discourse forums, think by default, it lets you edit a post for at least 2 months since it was posted, all unless RecRoom has adjusted theirs.
You’re able to learn more about the forum tools with the interactive bot here, simply open the message it sent to you right when you made the forum account, and it’ll offer things for you to know.