Storefront V2 (for Room Inventory and Offers)

Storefront V2

Storefront V2 is a Container object that displays a group of selected Room Offers in a grid. Using the Storefront is likely to draw more users to purchase an Offer since there is familiarity with its UI across Rooms—i.e., people expect to find cool things to buy when they see a Storefront. Storefront V2 exist only in R2 and have several more features for flexibility compared to its Storefront predecessor in Legacy Rooms.


After a lot of requests for Storefronts in R2, we wanted to take the opportunity to make a few improvements and establish the foundation for future iterations. The previous Storefront was limited in its use; You couldn’t hide or change the color/material of the background or change which purchasables are displayed via circuits. We wanted something that complimented the flexibility of the new Econ tools (Room Inventory + Offers) and gave us opportunity to iterate on UI in the future.

Use Cases

Why would you want to use Storefront V2 to sell your Offers?

  • There’s no rate limiter for spamming (compared to ‘Show Purchase Prompt’ chip)
  • You can hide the Storefront background (compared to Legacy Rooms)
  • You can change the Color and Material of the Storefront background (compared to Legacy Rooms)
  • You can hide the entire Storefront (compared to Legacy Rooms)
  • Storefront can be either Synced or Local (compared to Legacy Rooms)
  • Offers displayed on the Storefront can be modified via circuits (compared to Legacy Rooms)
  • Consistent UI across Rooms (compared to custom Storefronts using RRS and/or ‘Show Purchase Prompt’ chip)

In general, you have more control over the Storefront in R2. If you only want to show certain Offers based on what level a user is at, you can do that—and without needing additional Storefronts! You could even create a full navigation system for viewing different types of Offers (as seen below)


How it Works


There’s only one requirement: You need to have at least one Offer to display!

Adding Offers to a Storefront Manually

  1. Spawn in a Storefront V2 (located in the Maker Pen Palette → Objects (tab) → Containers)
  2. Press ‘Let’s Get Started’ or use the Configure mode on the Maker Pen
  3. Press ‘Edit Storefront’
  4. Press ‘Add Items’
  5. Selected items that you want to display, and press ‘Update’
  6. Enter a name for the Storefront (not required)
  7. That’s it!

Adding Offers to a Storefront via circuits

Here’s what you need:

  • Storefront V2
  • ‘List Create’ chip
  • ‘Room Offer Constant’ chip (however many you want; at least one)
  • Some event to enable the Storefront (In this case, we’ll use ‘Event Receiver: Room Loaded’)

First, make the following configurations:

  • ‘Room Offer’ chip configured to the appropriate Offer (repeat for each one)

Next, make the following connections:

  • ‘Room Offer’ (Room Offer) → ‘List Create’ (Item) (Repeat for each ‘Room Offer’ chip)
  • ‘List Create’ (List) → Storefront (Room Offers List)
  • ‘Event Receiver: Room Loaded’ (exec) → Storefront (‘Set Offers List’ exec)

You will need to save or leave the room and join again to see the Storefront updated.



  • Edit Storefront - Takes you to the Offers selection window
  • Synced - False = Local Player only can see the Storefront; True = Everyone can see it
  • Rows/Columns - Resizes the Storefront to display a certain number of Offers
  • Hide Storefront Background
  • Enabled - Shows/Hides the entire Storefront (both background and Offers)
  • Material
  • Color


  • ‘Storefront Get Is Enabled’
  • ‘Storefront Get Offers List’
  • ‘Storefront Set Is Enabled’
  • ‘Storefront Set Offers List’

What’s Next

Do you plan to allow Creators to sell their Custom Shirts via Storefront V2?

The problem is: How do you differentiate between Avatar Items that you only wear inside of the Room (e.g., Costume Dummies) vs. Avatar Items that you wear across multiple Rooms? While we don’t have an answer to that yet, Storefront V2 is currently designed to focus exclusively on In-Room Econ tools only (i.e., Offers). With that said, we will eventually want a way for Creators to sell their Custom Avatar Items inside of Rooms. That may mean providing support for Storefront V2, a completely different Storefront, or something like a Link Button.

There are two big steps we want to take with Storefront V2:

  1. A chip to trigger the Storefront in the Watch (i.e., the page you see when you click ‘View More’)
  2. More UI sections. Currently, there is just a single grid. In the future, we want to experiment with adding Carousels and Banners, and let Creators choose which items get shown

The goal with these iterations is to make it easier for Creators to increase visibility of their Offers in the context of their Rooms. It can be difficult to make sure you have a Storefront at every point in the Room, so giving a way to show it via the Watch will hopefully mean more views to your Storefront.

Of course, we also want those views to convert to purchases, so having different UI sections gives Creators the ability to highlight their Offers in the way that leads to the most earnings.