What device/platform are you having the problem on?
meta Quest 3
Were you alone or with other players?
With other Players
How often does the issue occur?
Every time
Room Name
This can only happen in 2.0 rooms on every platform and can also happen by yourself but basically when I drop my maker pen I stop flying even if I set fly on I can fly to an area without my maker pen grab my maker pen drop my maker pen and then I stop flying once I drop my maker pen
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Consider that if you are auto-assigning the role via. the “Permissons” tab in your rooms settings, that might be the problem. Make sure that you’re permission, “Owner,” is also auto-assigned that role.
If that isn’t the problem, make a Cv2 system that’ll give you the role upon joining.
Its in a 2.0 room that i cant do roles in im useing set enable fly
nah there’s gotta be a way thru circuits, this has been a thing for so long. I remember it happening the first time I ever created a Rooms 2 template
From what I know its because the movement system is more complicated now it sets you to default movement when you pull out your maker-pen but when you drop your maker pen it sets it to the custom movement/back to default putting you back into walk
Unless you can see when someone drops the maker pen