Room name permanently taken after deleting a room

What device/platform are you having the problem on?

happens on all platforms

Were you alone or with other players?

With other Players

How often does the issue occur?

5/5 times

Room Name

Any room deleted (unfilable)

Subroom Name

Any room deleted (unfillable)


Upon deleting a room, That room name will permanently stay taken, even after fully deleted, this makes changing rooms very difficult as it causes creators to loose their room names if not changed before deleted.


for me after about a day or so it lets you use the name again unless it broke in witch ill definitely vote for this!


I’m told a name deletion only fully completes after about 14 days. this is to ensure if someone deleted it on accident, an account was hacked, etc, that the support team has some ability to roll it back. After 14 days the name space should be free again to assign to another room. You can reach out to the support team here if you want more info: