Rec Room update messed up my game

What device/platform are you having the problem on?


Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?

All the time


Ever since the recent update, my game on PC isn’t loading into my clubhouse or dorm. I’ve tried resetting my PC multiple times, uninstalling and reinstalling Rec Room multiple times, both the set up and all the hidden files. I’ve tried the force log out, and it just crashes my game when I log into my accounts, and when I try and load into my dorm, or a friend’s public room. It happened on both my PC and laptop, and I’ve done both things to either of them. I’ve even tried the repair option multiple times.

However, after deleting all my files from my laptop and reinstalling rec room, it’s not fully installing either. I’ve asked other people I know who play on PC, and they didn’t have the same problems I did. I don’t have steam, so this is a purely PC download.
So I have two problems and I don’t know what to do.

you either ran out of storage or got a virus lol.
If the problem is just that your dorm room isn’t loading in, go on into your account settings and somewhere there’s a button to reset dorm room/clubhouse.

The reset didn’t work, and I have a lot of storage left on both devices (100 gb of free space at the minimum). I scanned, and I don’t have a virus, and I don’t see how I would’ve gotten one in the first place, as I was playing right before I exited the game to update it since a few of my friends were on the newer version. Mobile still works for me, and I’m assuming my VR does too (I haven’t updated it yet), so it’s purely my PC versions.

I sort of Experience this stuff, But It happens since I had Joined Rec Room, But Usually that sounds like a SD Card Space Problem, Probably Best to delete Photos you don’t like, some game you don’t play, and maybe that will work.

It isn’t an issue with my phone, it’s with my PC and laptop Rec Room Launchers. I said before I have GBs worth of space left, so I don’t see how this is a space problem.

Oh my bad, I’m out of Ideas but I hope It gets fixed.

Have you attempted to verify your game files?
Have you sent in a ticket to see if you are IP-Locked out of the game (502 Bad Gateway Error)?
Have you tried running Rec Room as an Administrator if your on PC?

I’ve sent a ticket yesterday, and tried running as administrator. I haven’t tried to verify my game files yet, so I’ll try that at some point.

We found out this was an issue with the Standalone version of the game (Steam was fine), I believe we pushed a fix for this issue earlier today, you might need to reinstall for it to update correctly.

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Hey there!
The most likely issue is that your is having an identity crisis right now. Try changing your password on your Restart your PC, and log into the game with the new password.

You don’t have to worry about a virus or anything of the sort. It’s just a Rec Room “oops” moment.

If you use the standalone download of Rec Room, see if you can get the Steam version, you’ll thank me for it. I had the same issues you did when using the Rec Room download over the steam vers.

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This worked for my PC, the standalone download works just fine now! I just have the issue for my laptop not fully installing the standalone version, but I might just do a steam download for that one if I am unable to figure it out. Thanks!

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