Looking for playtesters!

Hi! I am looking for a couple of playtesters on my upcoming room! I need 2 to 8 people to play a couple of rounds, to make sure everything works before releasing the game. Also, just a quick notice: this room is very movement based, so if you easily get motion sick, don’t join. This won’t take more than 10 to 20 minutes. Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


Sure i can playtest

I can be a playtester too. Just let me know the day and time!

To everyone willing to playtest, it’ll happen on December 20. 15:00 CET!

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To everyone willing to playtest, friend me, and i’ll invite you (sorry for being an hour late, my grandmother almost died :frowning: )

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I’m interested in being a playtester, if you are still looking for one :wave:t3:

yeah, i am just about to release it, and it would be pretty cool if you could come help me test it :slight_smile:

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