I made an event with Holotars, they're terrible

What device/platform are you having the problem on?

Meta Quest 2

Were you alone or with other players?

With other Players

How often does the issue occur?

5/5 times.

Room Name


Subroom Name

All Subrooms


Wow, I really don’t know where to start with this but this Thread is literally me hating on Holotars V2 and how unpolished and unfinished they are. I

I’m not joking when I say I think the Holotar Projector is the most unfinished and buggy beta component we’ve ever had.

The Background

Creations Con happened this week and we wanted to try something out due to the lack of multi-instance events. We wanted to use circuits and Unix Time to develop pre-recorded events that we could play across all instances. Using the main CreationsCon room we would then give the player different instances of a unlisted room when the player would press the “Go To Event” button.

We made 2 of these events based on Holotars. The Kickoff Keynote and The Creativity Awards both used holotars for their “Hyper-Events”

The Issues

Let’s start off with the issues with Holotars I faced when making the Kickoff-Keynote

  • The holotars functioned perfectly in the room during the event and didnt cause any issues.

  • However, Holotar Recording audio that would go over a minute or so will corrupt the audio completely and make it silent. There is zero way to fix this and i tried messing with the volume settings and other things but nothing will fix it. My workaround was recording a Sample Audio first then recording a holotar with my mic off pretending to be saying what the Audio was saying.

  • There is other forms of Holotar Corruption and this will cause the Holotar to completely corrupt and crash any player who plays it Instantly. (this is a massive issue because of hackers)

But apart from that I didn’t have any other issues for that specific event.

But for The Creativity Awards? Now that was terrible.

  • The Holotars would start to completely break and start resetting the player recorded to a idle position then the actual recorded section every .01 seconds which causes the holotar to look really funky and terrible.

  • Holotar Projectors will break and decide to not play anymore upon doing anything to it with the Makerpen. Moving, Configuring, Scaling, etc… will cause the holotar to just stop working until the Next Room load or Save. Which will most likely break your makerpen until you rejoin so you have to save and rejoin.

  • Holotar Recordings will just decide to stop working sometimes and only place the recorded character in a still position sideways!

  • Holotar Projectors will just casually decide to sync to all players again even if the Synced toggle is off!

  • Holotar Recordings are not unique when sent through a event sender and will just output an empty Holotar Recording on the event receiver.

I faced countless other issues with holotars but if I listed them all we’d be here for like 3 years. Holotars are unbelievably broken, unfinished, and overall terrible. I am so disappointed that Rec Room shipped these in such a broken and unusable state. You have to literally try so hard to make this work and it’s sad. Something like this should not have this many issues when it’s something that we’ve requested for so long and has been in the RRS palette for years now indicating they had enough time to fix at least the bugs that completely break holotars v2.

I am very disappointed as someone who wanted to purely showcase the power of Holotars but there’s nothing to Showcase. All i can showcase is how terribly broken they are.

I will be posting this thread both in Discord and the Creator forum so there’s a higher chance I can get a higher chance of having this seen by a dev and hopefully get these fixed, I honestly think holotars are such a powerful thing with so much potential for countless scenarios rather than just meme inventions, or still character dialogue. If you want an example ^TheCreativityAwards is a great showcase to it.

Video of the issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4tyOvLvcnY (Show starts at 19:03)

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You should see what happens when you try and use a holotar to record yourself driving a buggy, it’s hilarious, it gets the rotation wrong for starters, but also seriously messes up recording what Y level you’re supposed to be at through the whole thing. Can’t think of many use-cases for recording a player while they’re driving but still, looks pretty funny.