So I have 2 animation controllers, and I am wondering how I can set the frame to 0 after the room is loaded. I tried doing it, and for some reason, it just loads the last frame and not the first Also there is this weird thing where one of the objects in the animation when I load the game is popping out even tho it’s in none of the frames
To fix the animation controller from going to the last frame every time the room is loaded, you will need a “Animation Set Frame” and a “Event Receiver”. Connect the “Animation Set Frame” to the animator you want to reset and make sure the “Frame #” is set to 0. Then, you will want to configure the Event Receiver so it is set to “Room Loaded”. Connect the event receiver to the animation controller, and it should work. I hope this helps!
i already tried this, and that’s why I posted the topic exactlywhich part of the animation controller do i connect do i connect the yellow part on the circuit or do i connect is as if you were trying to connect a object cause when i try connecting it like a object is instantly crashes
I believe to answer your question, you need to connect the yellow part of the animation controller to the set frame.
ok so should i report this as a bug of rooms 2.0?
Did you make the room in Rooms 2? I tried the solution I mentioned in Rooms 1, and it worked. I don’t know if it is different in Rooms 2 though.
yes the room is rooms 2.0 its mentioned in the tags
Alright, I tried the code in Rooms 2 and it doesn’t work for me either. I think it could be a bug.
Can also try setting the frame # to 0 first!, then play, pause, and stop the animation at the same time. See it that helps! I’ve tried this in other rooms and it might work!.
yah i already figured this out yesterday instead of using a set frame animation i had it play then stop it at the same time but thanks anyway!
Awesome glad you figured it out!
Thanks Hopefully i can finish my game in time I only have 4 more days till its due