How do u freatured for custom shirts

i go to the thing where i can see all Things u can get featured for on rec.Net and i don’t see where u can get featured for custom shirts. i just want to where is it because i want to try to put one of my custom shirt

I believe its the Rec Room Staff that decide what shirts get featured, but I’ll have a quick look for you.

Fight thanks i would find that weird because all the other things you’ll need to make a a form just to Featured but idk. so yea if u get anything about it hit me up and thanks

Hiya! At the moment, I can’t find any forms related to the trending page for custom shirts so I believe that its the rec room staff that choose them. I recommend spawning storefronts in your room and putting your custom shirts on there, it can increase the chance of your audience to buy your shirts and in turn increase your chances of being seen by the rec room team. Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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