Hats Are Bugged Once Again! (FBA Only)

What device/platform are you having the problem on?

Meta Quest 2

Were you alone or with other players?

With other Players

How often does the issue occur?

5 out of 5 times

Room Name


Subroom Name



Once again, our hat positions are messed up when loading into any room, or anytime you leave render distance from someone after you’ve fixed it. As soon as you load into your dorm room, it’s facing its original position right away until you you do this…


The only way to get your hat to face the way you want it (assuming you don’t wear your hat in its legacy position) is by selecting a bean body outfit and then going back to full body.

But wait! There’s more.

If you leave render distance from someone who was around you when you reset your outfit, it’ll be in its legacy position FOR THEM, once you return and get back within sight of them. It’ll still be visually correct for you but not for anyone who just rendered in your line of sight, joining the room etc. :roll_eyes:

This is the second most annoying bug I’ve came across.

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Is this ever gonna get fixed?! :sob::pray: