Feedback for the Nintendo switch controls on RR

I noticed that the controls were different than the ps4 controls and why is our jump button not B button for switch instead A like this confuses me since im used to jumping by pressing X and circle to couch on ps4 and stuff

And it would be nice to be able to have a custom control scheme so people are not limted to two control scheme that they dont like and that all i have to say and sorry if this confuses you and stuff.


Maybe this can be fixed with a new control scheme? I usually only play on the Xbox, PC, or VR versions of Rec Room, and I often get the buttons confused when playing on the switch version, that way the people that usually play on the Nintendo Switch still have their ABXY match how it currently is for switch, and the people who don’t play on switch as much have our ABXY matching to our Xbox/PS controller control scheme.