"Delete Everything" puts the game into a bad state until you switch instances

Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?


Room Name

N/A (Any)


Using the “Delete Everything” button puts the game into a bad state. This occurs in both Rooms1 and 2, some of the symptoms of this bad state are:

  • Being unable to save the room (screen goes black and then immediately back to normal; no save was made)
  • Being unable to load a save (sends you to the offline ^DormRoom)
  • Being unable to access the “This Room” tab in the watch (accessing it via MakerPen still works)
  • MakerPen palette is rendered entirely unusable
  • More that I’m likely missing ;(

still unresolved over a month later


I just checked to see if this is still happening. I can confirm it still happens. It seems my save button gets shadowed out so i cant save the state it is in. Watch screen also loads much slower than before. Strange bug : (


I think it happens because the main CV1 role chips get deleted, I have noticed that in some of my rooms you can delete those chips and every time that happens I can’t save the room.


We’ve got this bug logged and are aware of it! I don’t see that its prioritized yet but hopefully we can get to it soon. I moved this bug from the R2 board into the General Creation board since we found it was not R2 specific


shouldn’t the CV1 role chips be listed to not be deleted by Delete Everything?


In rooms 1 i think what causes this to happen is that the button deletes LITERALLY everything. Including the required role chips which are pretty much your RR players existence

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Should be very much prioritized!!!

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This happens in my dorm room and im not able to save after so i cant erase everything lol

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FYI I see this bug is now ‘in progress’ and being worked on. no ETA on when they may find the fix or when it will ship but just a little update for yall


Small progress updates like these are highly appreciated, makes us feel heard! (hope I’m speaking for everyone here😖)

Thank you. :smile:


That’s what I thought until, one of my friends accidentally deleted those chips. Though they must have fixed the player being able to manually delete them because if you try to manually delete them now, you can’t.

(Also by manually delete, I mean going up to the chips and deleting them.)

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did it go into the same “bad state” as stated in the original post?

Yep it did, but luckily he was able to undo deleting those chips.

So i was right! I knew i was a RR nerd :nerd_face:

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fr this bug is in the game since like , months

Hey all, this one is fixed on our end and is going through our processes to get out- stay tuned!
Sorry about the delay on the fix- this one brought out some nasty issues


This one is now fixed!

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