CV1 Lights stuck on Emit

What device/platform are you having the problem on?


Were you alone or with other players?


How often does the issue occur?

Every Single Time


Whenever spawning an Invention with CV1 Lights or Saving a Room with CV1 Lights, the lights are automatically On without any activation from a Button, Trigger Volume, or Circuit. When setting the Lights to off then saving the same thing still happens.

Cv1 is Deprecated so they will not be fixing cv1 Unless it is something so game breaking!

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Well that’s dumb considering I have inventions that people have bought & are now stuck with lights being automatically set to Emit.

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Have a state machine with value for the intensity of the light set to zero to turn it off, and a value of choice in another state to turn it on. Or use some toggle circuit with an output of a certain signal.