You might be wondering how to upload your own custom room images in RRS. Well, this tutorial is for you! I’ll be showing a step by step tutorial (with images!) to show you how.
First step - Open the room on RRS.
For this tutorial, I’ll be using my private tutorial room.
Step 2 - Open room settings.
When you open the room in RRS, you’ll see this bar:
Press the settings button next to your room’s name, mine is ^RedsRRSTutorials.
When you open it, you’ll find this popup with many options, but the first one is the room picture. You can change it from here.
Step 3 - Add the image.
Press the “Change Room Image” button and select your image from the explorer window. Do keep in mind that your image has to be a .jpg file for it to work. Once done, press save room settings and you can quit RRS without saving to unless you’ve made physical changes to the room.
Thanks for reading! If you have trouble understanding, just message me or put a comment under this post and I’ll respond.
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