Costume Dummy V3


It would be nice if we got both the costume dummy V1 and costume V2 in rooms 2.0

The main reason for both is due to costume V1 works best with bean avatars and the V2 costume dummy doesn’t work the best for the bean avatars, having both allows creators to create outfits for both avatar types :+1:


The developers are working on the Avatar Studio, that’s a better solution since you can make your own Avatar UGC for your rooms.


That doesn’t really seem comparable since Avatar studio is blender/studio dedicated while costume dummy’s are makerpen related, plus users would most likely have to pay to use the UGC avatar studio items while costume dummies are free to use if set up


This wouldn’t be useful,
The reason people want the costume dummy is to make with the maker pen, not with blender or other tools


Not to mention there might be some games that prefer that you wear a certain costume instead of a UGC for the game.


I feel like this is more of a better tool for people with more experience using Blender and other software like that. Costume Dummies are much more useful for people who use Maker Pen. While Avatar Studio will likely be great, it isn’t useful for the people who are stuck with the maker pen. (Whether that be because of not a good enough computer, lack of skills, or whatever it may be)


This is exactly where I’m at as well. I’d love to work with 2.0 but most of what I do nowadays revolves around v1 costumes. It would be nice if they upgraded the system and maybe gave us the power to place gizmos onto costumes as well, that would get me to switch.

it would also be greatfor the base model of the costume dummy v2 to be able to match the full body avatar type and show where the 3 parts of the torso start and end. (also would love to have a way to hide the avatar itself instead of the items only.

And if they don’t have a computer or laptop it basically meaningless to them

Costume Dummy V2? I haven’t heard of a Costume Dummy V2! Are you referring to the Full Body Costume Dummy? (the fba when fba wasnt cool :sunglasses:)

I think a costume dummy V3 would actually be so much better if it was implemented with avatar studio.

If creators want to use the makerpen to make avatar items, I think the devs should add the current costume dummy V2 (or some hybrid to allow the new bean bodies) into rooms 2.0 for the creators who can’t use PC tools.

However, if there will be any new costume dummy, it should be done with avatar studio. Avatar studio can create the avatar and the dummy in-game would allow it to be worn by multiple people and perhaps applied using circuits. Room immersion would be incredible with something like that.

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Costume Dummy V3… Costumes in a third era… Costumes that will give me a marketing advantage against opponents who actually tried. Says a cash grabber who will abuse that feature.

Just import the old ones like @Neko said. We don’t need a third one… yet.