Better Anti-Cheat and Anti-Hack

It’s now almost every event I make or join gets hacked. Or there will be an invisible player with maker pen. Or there’s a player whose profile you can’t access. It’s really ruined a lot of the game.


Yeah that invisible player goes by the name Mocha. He joins events and Draws over everything in the room. He can also grab other players items like share cameras or their makerpen. He’s somewhat chill but likes to mess around in events. He also doesn’t exist in the room on the player list so there’s no way to report him.

A method I have heard is orientation guns or kick guns could work.

This is planned :

they definitely jumped the gun though

It’s more than him.

Doesn’t work if recnet doesn’t recognize they as in the room. They don’t show on rec.met, they don’t show in the room, you can’t see them, you can see anything really about them. So that doesn’t work.

Mocha is a method that has the invisible cheats and not be seen in the player menu, pretty powerful menu.

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