Add cosmetic detection flags to Hitler/offensive troll outfits

If you’ve played RR for any amount of time, you’d know obviously by now that there are lots of offensive cosplays. Pretty sure the most popular “Hitler” cosplay is the side fade haircut + moustache + explorers jacket, usually a red wristband too. RR staff would probably know the most popular variations for these cosmetics.

I propose RR add flags to these items, similar to how we can detect flags on elseware items. If these items were flagged, creators could create circuits to detect when players are trying to wear offensive outfits, which could of course lead to all sorts of great circuit applications (kicking you from the room, transporting you to an idiot-box, replacing your outfit with a clown costume - really the application ideas here are endless.)

A more scaleable suggestion would be giving tags to all cosmetics, not just a handful of them.


That would be a good idea

left wing type thing