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Could someone tell me what this ‘">bugcrowd_test’ is about? I keep seeing stuff like this in replies too, and I’m kinda confused as to why people (or bots) keep posting this type of stuff.

Probably an attempt to show a flaw with the forum, be if there’s an issue if some other people can edit other people messages or post a message in a channel you’re not supposed to.

I don’t see why they’re trying to find bugs in regards for posting messages though, Discourse is rather a quite popular forum software and flaws are quite scarce, except for third party add ons and custom plugins, but probably would be nice if users that are attempting to test public posts to explain what this message is for instead of leaving a public message in limbo.

In regards for why they say ‘bug crowd’, just pretend that RecRoom is offering bounties for reporting flaws that could be abused. Users can report flaws that RecRoom consider substantial and be awarded for reporting it to RecRoom instead of abusing it. Users are expected to use the phrase ‘bug crowd’ in their bug discovery attempts so others can know they’re just testing.

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